Elevating Healthcare Through Technology

Oracle (Cerner)

Cerner Corporation, a global leader in health information technologies, stands at the forefront of revolutionizing healthcare delivery. Renowned for its commitment to innovation, Cerner empowers healthcare professionals with cutting-edge solutions to elevate patient care and streamline operational workflows.

With a comprehensive suite of offerings, including Electronic Health Records (EHR), Population Health Management, Clinical Decision Support, and Revenue Cycle Management, Cerner addresses the diverse needs of healthcare organizations. As of June 8, 2022, Oracle completed the acquisition of Cerner.

Oracle (Cerner)


The company prioritizes interoperability, ensuring seamless data exchange, and places a strong emphasis on user experience, backed by robust security measures and compliance with industry regulations. Cerner Corporation’s impact is not just theoretical; it’s substantiated by a rich tapestry of case studies demonstrating improved patient outcomes, operational efficiency, and provider satisfaction.



Core Features

Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Cerner’s EHR solution offers a comprehensive digital platform for managing patient health records, ensuring accessibility, and fostering collaboration among healthcare professionals.

Population Health Management

Leveraging data analytics, Cerner’s Population Health Management tool enables healthcare providers to analyze and improve the health outcomes of specific patient populations.

Clinical Decision Support

Cerner provides robust clinical decision support tools that assist healthcare professionals in making informed and evidence-based decisions at the point of care.

Revenue Cycle Management

Streamlining financial processes, Cerner’s Revenue Cycle Management solution optimizes billing, coding, and reimbursement workflows to enhance the financial health of healthcare organizations.

Deployment Models


Cloud-Based Deployment

Cerner offers a cloud-based deployment model, providing healthcare organizations with the flexibility and scalability needed to access and manage their health tech solutions securely over the internet.

On-Premises Deployment

For organizations preferring on-site control and management of their health tech infrastructure, Cerner provides on-premises deployment options, allowing them to host and maintain the system within their own data centers.

Hybrid Deployment

Recognizing the diverse needs of healthcare organizations, Cerner supports a hybrid deployment model. This allows organizations to combine elements of both cloud-based and on-premises solutions, optimizing their IT infrastructure based on specific requirements.

Modular Deployment

Cerner’s modular deployment approach enables organizations to implement specific functionalities or modules of their health tech solutions, gradually expanding the system’s capabilities based on evolving needs and priorities.

SaaS (Software as a Service)

Cerner’s Software as a Service model provides a subscription-based approach, allowing healthcare organizations to access and use the software over the internet. This model often includes ongoing maintenance, updates, and support services.

API Integration

Cerner facilitates API integration, allowing seamless connectivity and interoperability with other healthcare systems and third-party applications. This supports the exchange of data and ensures a cohesive healthcare ecosystem.

Vendor-Agnostic Interoperability

Cerner promotes a vendor-agnostic interoperability approach, enabling its solutions to integrate with various healthcare technologies and systems, fostering collaboration and data exchange across the healthcare landscape.

Mobile Deployment

Recognizing the importance of mobile access, Cerner provides deployment options optimized for mobile devices, ensuring that healthcare professionals can access critical information and functionalities on-the-go.

Specialty-Specific Features

Ambulatory Care Solutions

Cerner offers tailored solutions for ambulatory care settings, empowering healthcare professionals with tools for efficient patient management, appointment scheduling, and streamlined clinical workflows.

Oncology Management

Addressing the complex needs of oncology practices, Cerner provides features for comprehensive cancer care, including treatment planning, care coordination, and oncology-specific clinical documentation.

Cardiology Integration

Cerner’s cardiology solutions integrate specialized features for cardiovascular care, including electronic health records (EHR) functionalities specific to cardiology diagnoses, treatment plans, and cardiac imaging.

Women’s Health Module

Designed for women’s health practices, Cerner’s solutions include features for obstetrics and gynecology, supporting providers with pregnancy tracking, maternal health monitoring, and specialized care plans.

Behavioral Health Integration

Cerner recognizes the importance of mental health care and integrates features for behavioral health, supporting clinicians in documenting and managing mental health assessments, treatment plans, and progress tracking.

Pediatric Care Module

Cerner’s pediatric care features cater to the unique requirements of child healthcare, offering specialized tools for growth tracking, immunization management, and pediatric-specific clinical documentation.

Orthopedic Solutions

Orthopedic practices benefit from Cerner’s orthopedic solutions, which include features for joint replacement tracking, orthopedic surgery documentation, and rehabilitation planning.

Emergency Medicine Tools

Cerner’s solutions provide specialized features for emergency medicine, aiding healthcare professionals in quickly and accurately documenting critical information during emergency patient encounters.

Neurology-Specific Functionalities

Addressing the nuances of neurology care, Cerner incorporates features for neurological assessments, diagnostic tracking, and treatment plans within its health tech solutions.

Rheumatology Management

For rheumatology practices, Cerner offers specialized features for managing autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, facilitating comprehensive care and documentation for rheumatology patients.



Integration Capabilities

Interoperability Standards

Cerner Corporation prioritizes adherence to industry-wide standards to ensure seamless data exchange between different systems. The platform supports widely recognized interoperability standards, such as HL7, FHIR, and CCD, facilitating smooth communication between healthcare entities.

EHR Integration

Cerner’s commitment to interoperability extends to integrating Electronic Health Records (EHR) with various healthcare systems. It enables healthcare professionals to access and share patient data efficiently, fostering coordinated care and informed decision-making.

Health Information Exchange (HIE)

Facilitating the secure sharing of patient information among healthcare organizations, Cerner’s HIE capabilities empower providers to access comprehensive patient records across disparate systems. This feature enhances care coordination and reduces redundancies in data collection.

Bi-Directional Communication

Cerner Corporation ensures bi-directional communication capabilities, allowing the exchange of information not only from the EHR to external systems but also from external sources back into the EHR. This two-way communication supports real-time updates and enhances data accuracy.

Clinical Decision Support Integration

Integrating clinical decision support tools, Cerner enhances healthcare professionals’ ability to make informed decisions. This interoperability feature ensures that decision support insights seamlessly integrate into the clinical workflow, promoting efficiency and quality of care.

Diagnostic Imaging Integration

Cerner’s interoperability extends to diagnostic imaging, allowing healthcare providers to access and incorporate imaging data directly into the EHR. This integration improves diagnostic accuracy and enhances the overall patient care experience.

Laboratory Information System (LIS) Connectivity

Ensuring connectivity with Laboratory Information Systems, Cerner’s platform enables the seamless exchange of laboratory test results and diagnostic information. This integration supports comprehensive patient care by providing a holistic view of health data.

Pharmacy System Integration

Cerner’s health tech solutions integrate with pharmacy systems, streamlining medication management and ensuring that accurate and up-to-date medication information is accessible within the EHR. This integration enhances medication safety and adherence.

Wearable and Remote Monitoring Integration

In the era of remote patient monitoring and wearable technologies, Cerner supports integration with these devices. This feature allows healthcare professionals to incorporate data from wearables and remote monitoring tools into the patient’s health record for a more comprehensive understanding of their health status.

Supported Standards


Health Level Seven (HL7)

Cerner Corporation is aligned with the HL7 standards, ensuring that health data is exchanged in a standardized format. HL7 standards facilitate interoperability by providing a common language for the seamless transmission of clinical and administrative data between healthcare systems.

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)

Recognizing the importance of modern standards, Cerner supports FHIR, a standards framework for healthcare data exchange. FHIR promotes interoperability by utilizing web-based APIs, making it easier for healthcare systems to share and access data in a more flexible and efficient manner.

Clinical Document Architecture (CDA)

Cerner incorporates the Clinical Document Architecture, a standard for the exchange of clinical documents such as discharge summaries and progress notes. CDA ensures that healthcare information is structured and formatted consistently, facilitating interoperability between different healthcare entities.

Continuity of Care Document (CCD)

In adherence to the CCD standard, Cerner ensures the creation of comprehensive patient summaries. CCD allows for the structured representation of patient data, enabling smooth transitions of care by providing a standardized document that can be shared across different healthcare settings.

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)

Cerner supports the DICOM standard for medical imaging, ensuring compatibility with various imaging devices. This standardization allows for the seamless integration of diagnostic images, such as X-rays and MRIs, into the electronic health record (EHR) for a comprehensive view of patient health.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD)

For standardized coding of diseases and health conditions, Cerner aligns with the ICD standards. This ensures that clinical information is uniformly coded, facilitating accurate communication and data exchange among healthcare professionals and organizations.

Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC)

Cerner employs the LOINC standard for the standardized identification of laboratory tests and observations. LOINC codes are used to ensure consistency in the naming and reporting of laboratory results, supporting interoperability in the exchange of clinical data.

Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT)

Cerner integrates SNOMED CT for standardized clinical terminology. This ensures that healthcare professionals using Cerner’s solutions have a common language for describing and recording clinical information, promoting interoperability in healthcare communication.

Consolidated CDA (C-CDA)

Cerner embraces the Consolidated CDA standard, which provides a standardized framework for creating clinical documents. C-CDA enables the exchange of structured patient data, supporting interoperability and the continuity of care across different healthcare settings.

API Availability


RESTful APIs (Representational State Transfer)

Cerner Corporation emphasizes the use of RESTful APIs, providing a scalable and efficient approach to interoperability. RESTful APIs enable seamless communication between different healthcare systems, allowing for the exchange of data in a stateless and standardized manner.


Cerner supports the SMART (Substitutable Medical Apps, Reusable Technologies) on FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) framework. This combination enables the development of healthcare applications that can be easily integrated into Cerner’s ecosystem, fostering innovation and enhancing interoperability.

Open APIs for Developers

Cerner Corporation offers open APIs to developers, allowing them to build custom applications and integrations. This approach promotes collaboration and encourages the development of innovative solutions that can extend the functionality of Cerner’s platforms while maintaining interoperability standards.

HL7 Messaging Standard

In line with interoperability standards, Cerner incorporates HL7 messaging protocols. These standards define the syntax and semantics for the exchange of health information, ensuring that APIs adhere to widely accepted communication protocols in the healthcare industry.

FHIR APIs for Clinical Data Exchange

Cerner Corporation actively supports FHIR APIs, facilitating the exchange of clinical data in a more granular and structured format. FHIR APIs enhance interoperability by offering a modern and web-based approach to data sharing, supporting the secure and efficient transfer of health information.

OAuth 2.0 for Authorization

To ensure secure access and authorization, Cerner utilizes OAuth 2.0 as part of its API infrastructure. OAuth 2.0 provides a robust and industry-standard framework for authentication, granting authorized access to healthcare data through APIs while maintaining security and compliance.

API Documentation and Developer Resources

Cerner Corporation prioritizes transparency and collaboration by providing comprehensive API documentation and resources for developers. This empowers third-party developers and healthcare organizations to understand and leverage Cerner’s APIs effectively, promoting interoperability through clear and accessible information.

Interoperability Testing and Certification

Cerner conducts rigorous testing and certification processes for its APIs to ensure adherence to interoperability standards. By providing a reliable and certified API ecosystem, Cerner supports a seamless exchange of data across different healthcare systems and applications.

Community Engagement and Support

Cerner actively engages with the developer community, offering support and resources for API integration. This collaborative approach encourages the development of a vibrant ecosystem of healthcare applications, ultimately enhancing interoperability and expanding the capabilities of Cerner’s solutions.


Security Compliance

Data Security Measures


Cerner employs robust encryption mechanisms to safeguard sensitive health data. Encryption protocols, including SSL/TLS, are implemented to secure data both in transit and at rest. This ensures that patient information remains confidential and protected from unauthorized access.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Cerner’s security model incorporates RBAC, allowing healthcare organizations to define and manage access permissions based on user roles. This ensures that only authorized personnel have access to specific types of patient data, reducing the risk of unauthorized disclosure.

Audit Trails and Monitoring

Cerner’s systems are equipped with audit trail functionalities that capture and log user activities. This includes access to patient records, system configurations, and other critical data. Real-time monitoring helps detect and respond to any suspicious or anomalous activities promptly.

Identity and Authentication Management

Cerner places a strong emphasis on identity and authentication management. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) protocols are often implemented to verify the identity of users, adding an extra layer of security beyond traditional username and password combinations.

Data Segmentation and Compartmentalization

To enhance data security, Cerner utilizes segmentation and compartmentalization strategies. Patient data is logically segmented to restrict access based on specific criteria, ensuring that users can only view and modify information relevant to their roles and responsibilities.

Regular Security Audits and Assessments

Cerner conducts regular security audits and assessments to identify vulnerabilities and assess the effectiveness of security controls. These proactive measures help in maintaining a robust security posture and ensuring compliance with industry standards.

Incident Response and Recovery Planning

In the event of a security incident, Cerner has well-defined incident response and recovery plans in place. This includes protocols for notifying relevant parties, containing the incident, investigating root causes, and implementing corrective actions to prevent recurrence.

Regulatory Compliance Adherence

Cerner is committed to complying with various healthcare data protection regulations, such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Adhering to these standards ensures that patient data is handled in accordance with legal and ethical requirements.

Security Awareness Training

Cerner prioritizes security awareness among its staff and affiliated healthcare professionals. Training programs are designed to educate users about security best practices, the importance of safeguarding patient data, and the potential risks associated with cybersecurity threats.

Continuous Improvement and Innovation

Cerner’s approach to data security involves continuous improvement and innovation. The company stays abreast of emerging threats and technologies, ensuring that its security measures evolve to address new challenges and opportunities in the dynamic healthcare landscape.

Regulatory Compliance

HIPAA Compliance

Cerner Corporation places a strong emphasis on adhering to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This includes implementing robust security measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of patient information. The company ensures that its solutions and practices align with HIPAA standards to safeguard sensitive healthcare data.

GDPR Compliance

In addition to compliance with U.S. regulations like HIPAA, Cerner Corporation acknowledges the importance of global data protection standards. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a key consideration, especially concerning the processing and storage of personal data of European Union (EU) residents. Cerner takes measures to comply with GDPR requirements, fostering trust among international clients.

HITECH Act Compliance

Cerner aligns its practices with the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act. This legislation promotes the adoption of health information technology and reinforces various aspects of HIPAA, emphasizing the secure and meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs). Cerner’s solutions are designed to support HITECH Act compliance for its users.

ONC Certification

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) plays a pivotal role in ensuring that health IT solutions meet specific standards and criteria. Cerner pursues ONC certification for its EHR systems, demonstrating the company’s commitment to meeting the regulatory requirements set by the federal government for interoperability and usability.

FDA Regulations

For any healthcare technology related to medical devices, Cerner complies with regulations set forth by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This ensures that medical devices integrated with Cerner’s solutions meet safety and efficacy standards, contributing to patient safety and quality of care.

State and International Regulations

Cerner acknowledges and respects the diversity of healthcare regulations across different U.S. states and international jurisdictions. The company works to ensure that its solutions are adaptable to regional regulatory requirements, providing clients with the flexibility needed to navigate complex compliance landscapes.

Security Certification Standards

Cerner often seeks security certifications, such as ISO 27001, to demonstrate adherence to internationally recognized standards for information security management. These certifications assure clients that Cerner maintains a comprehensive approach to protecting data and mitigating security risks.

Participation in Industry Initiatives

Cerner actively participates in industry initiatives and collaborations that focus on advancing standards and best practices for healthcare data security. By engaging with industry forums and organizations, Cerner stays informed about evolving compliance expectations and contributes to shaping the future of healthcare IT regulation.

Educational Outreach on Compliance

Cerner conducts educational outreach programs to keep its clients informed about regulatory changes and compliance requirements. This proactive approach helps healthcare organizations using Cerner’s solutions stay up-to-date and aligned with the evolving regulatory landscape.

Continuous Monitoring and Auditing

Cerner employs continuous monitoring and auditing mechanisms to assess its compliance with various regulations. This involves regular internal assessments, external audits, and reviews to ensure ongoing adherence to regulatory standards and best practices.

Security Certifications

ISO 27001 Certification

Cerner Corporation proudly holds the ISO 27001 certification, demonstrating a commitment to international standards for information security management. ISO 27001 is a globally recognized framework that sets out requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS).

SOC 2 Compliance

Cerner aligns with the Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) framework, indicating a dedication to secure and reliable operations. SOC 2 compliance focuses on the security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of information stored in the cloud, reinforcing Cerner’s commitment to protecting sensitive healthcare data.

FedRAMP Authorization

For solutions serving government agencies, Cerner pursues Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) authorization. FedRAMP sets stringent security standards for cloud services used by federal organizations, ensuring that Cerner’s solutions meet the necessary criteria for government use.

HITRUST Common Security Framework

Cerner adheres to the HITRUST Common Security Framework (CSF), a comprehensive and certifiable approach to safeguarding healthcare information. This framework incorporates various security and privacy standards, providing a roadmap for organizations to address regulatory requirements and manage risk effectively.

EHNAC Accreditation

Cerner seeks accreditation from the Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC). EHNAC sets criteria for evaluating and accrediting healthcare data exchange organizations. Achieving EHNAC accreditation underscores Cerner’s commitment to maintaining high standards in healthcare information exchange and interoperability.

PCI DSS Compliance

If Cerner processes payment card information, the company ensures compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). This standard outlines security requirements for organizations handling credit card data, reinforcing Cerner’s dedication to secure payment transactions within its solutions.

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Readiness

Cerner positions itself with readiness for the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). This certification, increasingly relevant for government contractors, assesses an organization’s cybersecurity practices to ensure the protection of sensitive information and controlled unclassified information (CUI).

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Compliance

Cerner aligns with the security and privacy standards outlined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Compliance with NIST standards ensures that Cerner’s security practices align with widely recognized guidelines, contributing to robust protection against cybersecurity threats.

Third-Party Security Audits

Cerner engages in regular third-party security audits to validate and verify the effectiveness of its security controls. These audits provide an additional layer of assurance to clients, demonstrating transparency and accountability in Cerner’s approach to security.

Continuous Improvement and Monitoring

Cerner maintains a commitment to continuous improvement in security measures. The company conducts ongoing monitoring, assessments, and reviews to adapt to evolving threats and ensure that its security certifications remain current and effective.

Collaboration with Industry Experts

Cerner collaborates with industry experts and participates in security-focused initiatives to stay informed about emerging threats and best practices. This collaborative approach enhances Cerner’s ability to address evolving security challenges in the healthcare landscape.

Data Backup and Recovery

Backup Policies and Procedures

Cerner Corporation implements robust backup policies and procedures to ensure the regular and secure creation of data backups. These policies define the frequency, methods, and scope of backups, considering the criticality of healthcare data.

Automated Backup Systems

Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, Cerner employs automated backup systems that streamline the backup process. Automation enhances efficiency, reduces the risk of human error, and ensures that backups are conducted consistently according to predetermined schedules.

Incremental and Full Backups

Cerner’s data backup strategy includes both incremental and full backups. Incremental backups capture changes made since the last backup, optimizing storage space and reducing backup duration. Full backups provide a comprehensive snapshot of data at specific points in time, supporting comprehensive recovery.

Redundant Storage Locations

To mitigate the risk of data loss due to unforeseen events, Cerner employs redundant storage locations for backups. This geographically distributed approach enhances resilience and ensures that data remains accessible even in the event of localized incidents.

Encryption of Backup Data

Security is paramount in Cerner’s backup and recovery practices. All backup data is encrypted, both in transit and at rest, using industry-standard encryption algorithms. This encryption adds an additional layer of protection, safeguarding sensitive healthcare information from unauthorized access.

Regular Testing of Backup Systems

Cerner conducts regular testing of its backup systems to validate their effectiveness and reliability. These tests simulate various scenarios, including data loss and system failures, to ensure that the backup and recovery mechanisms respond appropriately and meet predefined recovery time objectives.

Point-in-Time Recovery

Cerner’s backup and recovery capabilities extend to point-in-time recovery. This feature allows healthcare organizations to restore data to specific points in time, facilitating the recovery of critical information as it existed at defined moments, enhancing precision in data restoration.

Disaster Recovery Planning

In alignment with industry best practices, Cerner develops and maintains comprehensive disaster recovery plans. These plans outline procedures to be followed in the event of catastrophic events, ensuring the swift and effective restoration of services and data availability.

Continuous Monitoring and Auditing

Cerner continually monitors and audits its backup and recovery systems. This ongoing scrutiny helps identify and address any anomalies or potential issues promptly, contributing to the reliability and resilience of the overall data protection infrastructure.

Collaboration with Healthcare Providers

Cerner collaborates with healthcare providers to tailor backup and recovery solutions to their specific needs. This collaborative approach ensures that Cerner’s data protection strategies align with the diverse requirements of healthcare organizations, supporting optimal outcomes in data security and recovery.

Adherence to Industry Standards

Cerner adheres to relevant industry standards and best practices in data backup and recovery. This commitment ensures that healthcare organizations leveraging Cerner’s solutions benefit from a framework that aligns with established norms and guidelines for data protection.


User Interface and Experience

User-Interface (UI)


Intuitive Navigation

Cerner’s UI is designed with intuitive navigation, ensuring that healthcare professionals can seamlessly access and navigate through various modules. The interface prioritizes ease of use, allowing users to quickly locate the information they need within the system.

Customizable Dashboards

Healthcare professionals can personalize their dashboards within the Cerner system. This feature enables users to arrange and prioritize widgets and modules based on their specific roles and preferences, enhancing efficiency and user satisfaction.

Role-Based Access

Cerner’s UI incorporates role-based access controls, tailoring the user experience to different healthcare roles. This ensures that each user has access to the relevant features and information, streamlining workflows and optimizing productivity.

Responsive Design

The UI is built with a responsive design, ensuring a consistent and user-friendly experience across various devices and screen sizes. Whether accessed on desktops, tablets, or mobile devices, the Cerner UI maintains its functionality and visual appeal.

Contextual Alerts and Notifications

The UI includes contextual alerts and notifications to keep healthcare professionals informed about critical updates, tasks, or patient-related events. This feature enhances real-time communication and helps users stay proactive in managing their responsibilities.

Streamlined Data Input

Cerner’s UI streamlines data input processes, minimizing the time and effort required for healthcare professionals to record and update patient information. Intuitive forms and interfaces contribute to accurate and efficient data entry.

Visual Data Representation

To facilitate data interpretation, the UI incorporates visual data representation tools. Graphs, charts, and other visual elements provide healthcare professionals with a clear overview of patient information, trends, and key metrics.

Patient-Centric Design

The UI adopts a patient-centric design philosophy, focusing on presenting information in a way that centers around the patient. This approach ensures that healthcare professionals have comprehensive insights into a patient’s health history, treatment plans, and progress.

Integration of Multimedia

Cerner’s UI supports the integration of multimedia elements, such as images and diagnostic reports. This enhances the comprehensiveness of patient records and allows healthcare professionals to access a variety of data types within a unified interface.

Continuous User Feedback Integration

Cerner values user feedback and incorporates it into the ongoing refinement of the UI. Regular updates and enhancements are informed by user experiences and preferences, ensuring that the system evolves to meet the changing needs of healthcare professionals.


Training Resources


Comprehensive Training Modules

Cerner provides healthcare professionals with comprehensive training modules designed to cover all aspects of the user interface (UI) and experience. These modules are structured to cater to different user roles and proficiency levels, ensuring that users receive tailored instruction.

Role-Specific Training Paths

To address the diverse roles within the healthcare industry, Cerner offers role-specific training paths. Whether a user is a clinician, administrator, or support staff, the training resources are customized to provide targeted guidance based on their responsibilities within the system.

Interactive E-Learning Modules

Cerner’s training resources include interactive e-learning modules that engage users with practical scenarios and simulated interactions within the UI. This hands-on approach enhances the learning experience and allows healthcare professionals to familiarize themselves with the UI’s functionalities.

Virtual Training Sessions

Recognizing the importance of real-time interaction, Cerner conducts virtual training sessions. These sessions are led by experienced trainers who guide participants through live demonstrations, answer questions, and provide additional insights into optimizing the use of the UI.

On-Demand Training Materials

Healthcare professionals have access to a repository of on-demand training materials. These include video tutorials, step-by-step guides, and documentation that users can refer to at their convenience. This flexibility accommodates varying learning styles and schedules.

User Support Forums

Cerner facilitates user support forums where healthcare professionals can collaborate, share insights, and seek advice related to the UI and experience. These forums create a community-driven learning environment, allowing users to benefit from collective knowledge and best practices.

Continuous Learning Updates

As Cerner evolves and introduces updates to its UI, the training resources are continuously updated to reflect these changes. Healthcare professionals receive regular communications about new features, enhancements, and best practices, ensuring ongoing proficiency in using the system.

Certification Programs

Cerner offers certification programs for users seeking advanced proficiency in utilizing the UI. These programs validate the expertise of healthcare professionals and provide them with recognized credentials, demonstrating their proficiency in leveraging the full potential of the UI.

User Feedback Integration

Cerner values user feedback in refining its training resources. The company actively seeks input from healthcare professionals to enhance the effectiveness of training materials, ensuring that they address common challenges and align with user preferences.

On-Site Training Opportunities

For healthcare organizations that prefer on-site training, Cerner provides opportunities for customized, in-person training sessions. This allows organizations to tailor the training experience to their specific workflows and requirements.

Cerner’s commitment to robust training resources empowers healthcare professionals to master the intricacies of the UI, fostering confidence and efficiency in utilizing the system for delivering optimal patient care.

Customization Options

Personalized Dashboards

Cerner offers healthcare professionals the ability to create personalized dashboards. Users can customize their dashboards to display the most relevant information, such as patient data, task lists, and key metrics, providing a tailored and efficient work environment.

Configurable Workflows

Healthcare organizations have the flexibility to configure workflows within the Cerner system. This includes customizing order sets, clinical pathways, and documentation templates to align with specific departmental or organizational requirements, enhancing efficiency and adherence to best practices.

User-Specific Preferences

Cerner allows individual users to set preferences based on their unique needs and working styles. From display preferences to default settings, users can configure the system to align with their preferences, streamlining their interactions with the user interface.

Adaptive User Roles

Cerner’s customization options extend to adaptive user roles, ensuring that different healthcare professionals have role-specific interfaces. Whether a user is a physician, nurse, or administrative staff member, the system adapts to present relevant features and functionalities tailored to their role.

Specialty-Specific Templates

Recognizing the diversity of healthcare specialties, Cerner provides specialty-specific templates and interfaces. This customization allows healthcare professionals in various specialties to access templates and tools specifically designed to meet the unique requirements of their clinical workflows.

Alerts and Notifications Configuration

Users can configure alerts and notifications to align with their preferences and priorities. Customization options include defining alert thresholds, specifying the types of notifications received, and choosing the preferred mode of communication, ensuring that alerts are both meaningful and actionable.

Color-Coding and Theming

Cerner’s customization features include color-coding and theming options. Users can personalize the visual appearance of the interface by selecting color schemes and themes that enhance readability and usability, contributing to a more user-friendly experience.

Data Display Customization

Cerner allows healthcare professionals to customize how data is displayed within the interface. Users can choose the layout, organize information based on relevance, and prioritize the display of critical data elements, promoting a user-centric approach to data visualization.

Integration of Third-Party Tools

To support interoperability and meet the unique needs of healthcare organizations, Cerner enables the integration of third-party tools and applications. This customization option allows users to seamlessly access external resources within the Cerner interface, streamlining workflows.

Accessibility Features

Cerner prioritizes accessibility by providing customization features that cater to users with diverse needs. This includes options for adjusting font sizes, contrast settings, and other accessibility features, ensuring an inclusive user experience for healthcare professionals.

Cerner’s commitment to customization empowers healthcare professionals to adapt the user interface and experience to their specific requirements, fostering a more intuitive and efficient use of the system in diverse clinical settings.


Implementation and Support

Implementation Process


Planning and Assessment

During the initial phase of implementation, Cerner collaborates with healthcare organizations to conduct a comprehensive planning and assessment. This involves understanding the organization’s existing workflows, identifying goals, and establishing a roadmap for successful implementation.

Customization and Configuration

Cerner’s implementation process includes extensive customization and configuration to align the system with the unique needs of each healthcare organization. This involves tailoring the software to accommodate specific clinical workflows, preferences, and organizational requirements.

Data Migration and Integration

Efficient data migration and integration are crucial components of Cerner’s implementation strategy. The platform facilitates the seamless transfer of existing data from legacy systems and ensures integration with other healthcare IT solutions to create a unified and interoperable environment.

Training and Change Management

Cerner places a strong emphasis on training and change management to facilitate a smooth transition for healthcare professionals. The implementation process includes comprehensive training programs to familiarize users with the new system, coupled with change management strategies to address potential challenges and ensure user adoption.

Go-Live and Transition

The go-live phase marks the point at which the Cerner system becomes operational within the healthcare organization. Cerner provides dedicated support during this critical period to address any issues, ensure system stability, and assist users in acclimating to the new technology.

Ongoing Support and Optimization

Cerner’s commitment to customer success extends beyond the initial implementation. The company provides ongoing support to healthcare organizations, offering troubleshooting assistance, updates, and continuous optimization. Regular communication and feedback mechanisms are established to address evolving needs and enhance system performance.

Quality Assurance and Monitoring

Cerner incorporates quality assurance measures throughout the implementation process. Rigorous testing, monitoring, and evaluation protocols are employed to ensure the reliability, security, and performance of the system. This commitment to quality contributes to a positive user experience and patient care outcomes.

Scalability and Future Enhancements

Cerner’s implementation process is designed to accommodate scalability and future enhancements. The platform is configured to support growth, allowing healthcare organizations to scale their operations seamlessly. Cerner also regularly introduces updates and enhancements to keep the system aligned with evolving industry standards and best practices.

Collaborative Partnership

Cerner views the implementation process as a collaborative partnership with healthcare organizations. The company works closely with stakeholders, fostering open communication and a shared commitment to achieving the organization’s strategic objectives through the successful deployment of their health IT solutions.

User Feedback and Continuous Improvement

User feedback is valued as an integral part of Cerner’s implementation and support approach. The company actively seeks input from healthcare professionals to understand their experiences and gather insights for continuous improvement. This iterative feedback loop contributes to the ongoing refinement of the system.

Training and Support


Customized Training Programs

Cerner Corporation offers tailored training programs designed to meet the specific needs of healthcare organizations. These programs encompass various user roles and functionalities within the Cerner system, ensuring that training is customized to the unique workflows and requirements of each organization.

On-Site Training Sessions

To facilitate hands-on learning and maximize user engagement, Cerner provides on-site training sessions. This approach allows healthcare professionals to receive personalized instruction in their own work environment, promoting familiarity with the system and enhancing the practical application of knowledge.

E-Learning and Online Resources

Cerner’s training initiatives extend to e-learning platforms and online resources. Healthcare professionals have access to a variety of educational materials, including video tutorials, webinars, and documentation. These resources serve as valuable tools for ongoing learning and skill development.

Train-the-Trainer Programs

Cerner Corporation offers train-the-trainer programs, empowering select individuals within healthcare organizations to become internal trainers. This cascading model enhances the organization’s capacity for continuous training, enabling them to sustain proficiency and knowledge transfer independently.

Change Management Strategies

Recognizing the importance of change management in the successful adoption of new technologies, Cerner incorporates change management strategies into its training programs. These strategies aim to address the cultural and organizational aspects of change, fostering a positive attitude toward the adoption of Cerner solutions.

Dedicated Support Teams

During the implementation and beyond, Cerner provides dedicated support teams to assist healthcare organizations. These support teams offer prompt assistance in addressing user queries, troubleshooting issues, and ensuring that healthcare professionals can navigate the system effectively.

Continuous Education and Updates

Cerner Corporation is committed to continuous education for its users. The company regularly updates its training materials to align with new features, system enhancements, and industry best practices. This commitment ensures that healthcare professionals remain well-informed and proficient in utilizing the latest capabilities of the Cerner system.

Feedback Mechanisms

To enhance the effectiveness of training and support, Cerner incorporates feedback mechanisms. Healthcare professionals are encouraged to provide input on their training experiences, allowing Cerner to continuously refine and optimize its training programs based on real-user insights.

User Communities and Forums

Cerner facilitates user communities and forums where healthcare professionals can connect, share insights, and seek advice from peers. These virtual spaces create an additional avenue for learning, collaboration, and the exchange of best practices among users of Cerner solutions.

Proactive Communication

Proactive communication is a key element of Cerner’s support strategy. The company maintains open lines of communication with healthcare organizations, providing updates on system improvements, addressing potential challenges, and ensuring that users are informed about upcoming changes.

Cerner Corporation’s approach to training and support is comprehensive and designed to empower healthcare professionals in effectively utilizing their health IT solutions. Through a combination of tailored training programs, dedicated support teams, and ongoing educational resources, Cerner aims to foster a positive and proficient user experience within healthcare organizations.


Case Studies

Key Case Studies


Children’s National Medical Center (Washington, D.C.)

Cerner Solution Implementation: Children’s National Medical Center partnered with Cerner Corporation to implement a comprehensive electronic health records (EHR) system. The case study showcases how Cerner’s tailored EHR solution streamlined workflows, improved data accuracy, and enhanced care coordination across pediatric specialties. The implementation resulted in increased operational efficiency and improved patient outcomes.

Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota)

Cerner Millennium Integration: The Mayo Clinic collaborated with Cerner to integrate the Cerner Millennium platform, aiming to create a unified health information system. The case study highlights how this integration enhanced data accessibility, interoperability, and collaboration among healthcare teams. Mayo Clinic experienced improved data-driven decision-making and an enhanced patient experience.

University of Missouri Health Care

Cerner Population Health Management: The University of Missouri Health Care engaged with Cerner to implement population health management solutions. This case study details how Cerner’s tools supported proactive patient care, risk stratification, and population health analytics. The result was a more comprehensive approach to managing patient populations, reducing costs, and improving overall health outcomes.

UCHealth (Colorado)

Cerner Revenue Cycle Management: UCHealth partnered with Cerner to implement a robust revenue cycle management solution. The case study demonstrates how Cerner’s technology optimized billing processes, reduced revenue leakage, and enhanced financial performance. UCHealth experienced improved revenue capture and streamlined financial workflows.

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (Saudi Arabia)

Cerner Global Expansion: Cerner Corporation’s global impact is showcased in the collaboration with King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre. This case study details the successful implementation of Cerner’s health IT solutions in an international setting, emphasizing adaptability to diverse healthcare environments and global standards.

Advocate Aurora Health (Illinois/Wisconsin)

Cerner Ambulatory EHR Implementation: Advocate Aurora Health partnered with Cerner for the implementation of ambulatory EHR solutions. The case study outlines how Cerner’s technology facilitated seamless integration across ambulatory settings, improved care coordination, and enhanced patient engagement. Advocate Aurora Health achieved increased efficiency in outpatient care delivery.

Truman Medical Centers/University Health (Missouri)

Cerner Millennium EHR Transformation: This case study highlights the transformative journey of Truman Medical Centers/University Health with Cerner Millennium EHR. The implementation aimed to enhance clinical workflows, increase interoperability, and improve patient outcomes. The case study showcases successful outcomes, including improved care quality and patient safety.

Nemours Children’s Health System (Florida/Delaware/Georgia/New Jersey/Pennsylvania)

Cerner Pediatric EHR Integration: Nemours Children’s Health System collaborated with Cerner to integrate a pediatric-specific EHR system. The case study emphasizes how Cerner’s tailored solutions met the unique needs of pediatric care, supporting specialized clinical workflows and promoting a child-centric approach to healthcare.

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